
Showing posts from May, 2021

Guest user can't access Client Side Assets resources in SharePoint App Catalog site

When using third party web part or custom web part, there is a property named includeClientSideAssets that push resources to Client Site Assets library of the SharePoint App catalog site. Anytime a user is using one of those web parts, he will retrieve resources from this centralized area. This Client site assets library is hidden and is at least read-only for every member of your organization but it is not accessible to external user. As consequence external users are getting errors like below. [SPLoaderError.loadComponentError]: Failed to load component "544c1372-42df-47c3-94d6-017428cd2baf" (pnpSearchResultsWebPart). Original error: Failed to load path dependency "SearchResultsWebPartStrings" from component "544c1372-42df-47c3-94d6-017428cd2baf" (pnpSearchResultsWebPart). Original error: Error loading https://component-id.invalid/544c1372-42df-47c3-94d6-017428cd2baf_4.1.0/SearchResultsWebPartStrings Unable to load script

Remove News Source Tag Color Block to news web part

A bit of context SharePoint News web part is a fantastic component provided by Microsoft that allows to displays news using multiple layouts. News may be from the current site, some selected sites or recommended sites. These are great options because sometime, you may have your intranet that displays your corporate news and have displayed news from another site, let's say HR site that want to give information about coming Christmas party. In the case that you have news from several sites, a news source tag is displayed over each news. Thanks to this tag, users know from where news come from.  If the news is from an organizational news site, SharePoint will highlight the source tag by styling it with color block .  Organizational news sites are sites that have been defined in your organization as authorities. In short, news from those sites can be considered as "Official". This way of showing source tag might be not desired. You will have to revoke the source site to th...